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American Catholic Press


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ACP Publications

Praise Our God/Budi Imja-TTBB
2003-10 - Paperback
ACP Publications

Praise Our God/Budi Imja-TTBB
By Bortniansky, Dmytro
Editor Kush, Joseph
Editor Fenton, Charles

This is a brief setting of a new text, adapted from the Book of Revelation, the Apocalypse. Although there is no refrain, each of the three verses ends with the words, "Amen! Alleluia!" This song would be appropriate for November-December [end of Ordinary Time and Advent], Eastertime, and such feasts as All Saints and Christ the King. Because of the word "Alleluia," this octavo would not be used during the season of Lent.

This TTBB setting would be especially useful with all-male choirs, such as might be found in seminaries.

Publisher Comments

The English text in this octavo has three verses, as mentioned. The Old Slavonic text, Budi Imja, has only one verse, which is traditionally sung three times as part of the conclusion of the Mass. In the Roman Catholic liturgy, Praise Our God would appropriately be sung, for example, as a second Communion hymn or as a recessional.

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